/I think we pretty much know the difference between nature and nurture. But, just to clarify…. Nature gives us everything in its most natural form; nurture is our influence or care over what nature has given us.
I wrote a blog a while back regarding the addition of “fake meat” to our food supply. In the next 2 years, there will be a brand new meat on the market – a meat where the cow has been genetically modified (yes – gene editing) to change its DNA.
The genomic alteration in the cattle is introduced using CRISPR technology. While this technology may have some beneficial advantages, it depends on how we use it. Can it be used to genetically alter genes that express Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s? Possibly! Can it be used to alter genes that can have devastating outcomes? Possibly!
Why would we want to change a cow’s DNA? Well.. as with most of the so-called progressive attempts to alter the food system, I tend to not buy into the reasons that are given but to FOLLOW THE MONEY. How can we make cows better equipped to produce a better outcome? Shorter and slicker coats to help cows better withstand heat stress, allowing them to gain more weight and increase the efficiency of meat production. OH! Yep!.. There it is.. Bigger cows, more meat, more money.
Since graduating from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition over a decade ago, I have been teaching my clients how to make healthier choices with their food and lifestyle. It has gotten progressively harder to do this based on how much our food has changed over the years. And, while I realize that it’s not all about food (I’m happy I know about the effects of “light” on our biology), I am saddened to know that the nutrient-dense foods I grew up with are changing day by day.. year by year.
While nature knows, do we? Are we nurturing the way we should be? Do we think we are smarter than nature? I’m not sure there is ever a time when we can outsmart nature. After all, she’s been around a lot longer than we have and has survived given many of the obstacles that have come her way.