Welcome! You landed on this page the same way I landed onto a Quantum Biology talk a few years ago…. CURIOSITY! And, how wonderful that you’re curious about a very new paradigm that surpasses the current knowledge available to most doctors and practitioners regarding health and how to live the healthiest life ever. Quantum Biology is a game-changer and you’re on the cutting edge of information that will bring your health to the next level. Once you understand quantum biology, you will never need to subscribe to any dietary recommendations again.
Are you struggling with your weight? You will realize that losing weight is not about food or about deprivation but about understanding your body’s circadian clock. You will be in charge of balancing your hormones and be able to lose those pounds you never thought possible. It’s actually mind-blowing!
I didn’t realize the importance of the light environment and can say firsthand that I have noticed profound improvements in my overall health. At 71 years old, I've never felt better! I tried everything from eating all organic, vegetarian, vegan, keto, paleo, etc. but nothing has come close to creating how I feel today.
You will finally know what to do and how to do it.
We are biologic quantum beings. Every cell has 100,000 tasks it needs to accomplish every second. Think about that!! Every second our cells are acting in a coherent way and the only way to explain this is to understand Quantum Biology.
My new offering will be all about “light” and how our health is a result of our light environment. You will be blown away by the information I have learned over the past 2 years — information that was never taught to us. We can meet in person or via Zoom. The session will be one-hour in duration and scheduled on the same day each week. During the course of this program, you will learn the following:
How Sunrise (Infrared light) sets the stage;
How to effectively mitigate toxic light and create healthy light environments;
How unique movement contributes to electron supply;
The importance of Vitamin D and how to track it;
How sunsets produce the hormone that controls sleep/rejuvenation/renewal
How sauna, cold plunges, hydration, sleep and food affect our mitrochondria.