Growing Our Own Food

Hillsdale, New York — the village where I spent a lot of time as a child (and as an adult)

Hillsdale, New York — the village where I spent a lot of time as a child (and as an adult)

I have always been drawn to the soil, to the earth, to the amazing performance that nature bestows upon us when what we put into the earth comes back to us tenfold. Just think of putting a tiny seed into the soil and up comes a carrot, a cucumber and so many of nature’s answers to health. As Hippocrates said thousands of years ago, “Let Food Be Thy Medicine and Medicine Be Thy Food.” So, fast forward to present day living.. what happened? Why has “real” food been taken over by “fake” food? Why have we allowed the big food companies to control what we eat? I say, “Let’s Take Back Our Health!”

I may be a small fish in a big pond with these questions, but it’s grassroots movements that have brought about changes in our world. We must never underestimate the power of individuals to make drastic changes. I have become much more vocal these days about my beliefs that I realize go way back to when I was a child. Growing up on a farm several months each year provided me with the knowledge of how Mother Earth gives us everything we need to be healthy and to thrive. Unfortunately, Big Ag and Big Pharm have SO much money (and therefore power) to unfortunately sway people to thinking they are out for our own good — as if we, as humans, do not know what’s good for us. I will not give over my power to anyone! I have an intuitive sense as to what my body needs and how I go about getting it.

While the trend seems to be going in the direction of genetically modified foods, I have decided to grow my own food — or at least some of it. The rest I will get from a very small local farmer who grows some amazing organic foods and some from an organic farmer in upstate New York. My son-in-law, Alex, helped me set up an above-ground garden bed last year and I cannot wait to get my hands dirty!! I’m starting my education now regarding how to compost, what to plant and when, and gathering as much information as I can to create an amazing organic garden for my grandchildren to experience — something I grew up with! I think that’s one of my roles as a grandma — to pass down those things that are important to me and those things I feel inspired to impart onto them…. besides lots of LOVE!

I feel there’s no better time than right now to begin to awaken to what’s happening to our food, to our water, to our air, to our soil and to our health. Rather than feel like it’s overwhelming and that you can’t make a difference, let’s challenge that belief and know that we can make a difference — and a big one at that! We just need to realize that everything we do and every decision we make affects everything and everyone else. Every little step we take to get back the health of our planet is a step toward being a conscious human.

How much are you willing to change?


The Power of Forgiveness

Have you ever downed an entire package of chips, crackers, or cookies? Ate pizza or cake until you felt sick? Drank more coffee or wine than your body wanted?

Do you remember how you were feeling at the time?

I ask because sometimes we overeat or give in to cravings to help distract us from emotional pain. Think about it—have you noticed that sometimes when you overeat you’re not hungry at all? What you are is lonely. Or angry. Or sad. Or resentful. Or frustrated. Or something else.

So what hurt are YOU holding on to?

Tap Into the Power of Forgiveness

Wouldn’t it be more effective to address your uncomfortable feelings? The best, most thorough, most divinely perfect way to do that is forgiveness.

Forgiving is not easy, even for the most enlightened among us. If you’ve been allowing your present health to be controlled by past hurts, I urge you to commit to forgiving. These steps can help:

  • Talk to sympathetic friends and family about your desire to forgive. Chatting with others is tremendously comforting.

  • Write a letter to the person you’d like to forgive. You can decide whether or not you send it.

  • See the situation from the other person’s perspective—your own perspective may change.

  • Don’t forget to forgive yourself. Sometimes we can be harshest with ourselves.

  • Understand that you are responsible for your own attitude. Don’t let holding a grudge keep you from feeling free, open, and powerful in your own life.

Forgive and watch how much easier your relationship with eating becomes. Also, watch how much joy comes into your life when you let go of holding others responsible for your feelings.

I remember holding onto "my story” for years about how I was a victim to others who had power over me. I felt helpless in various circumstances, unable to find the strength to stand up for myself.. this played out in my growing up years where I was the youngest and the one who needed to be taken care of. I allowed others to take care of me and that meant not voicing my truth for fear of disappointing the people who were closest to me. In time, as I began to voice my truth more, the differences between me and my family revealed themselves and relationships became to crumble. Many hurts were given out to me and there were many things said that I found hard to forgive. I held onto this “un-forgiveness” for many years until one day I started to do “the work.” I realized I had “my story” and my family each had “their story.” The only way I found to come to peace with everyone and with myself was to understand where they came from, to hold onto my truth and to let go of judgements, etc. I now feel compassion for my family and know they did the best they could do given their upbringing, their fears, etc. One of their biggest fears they had was losing their little girl.. that if I deviated from all that they knew, what would be the result? What they didn’t realize was that the result would have been a very healthy, honest and loving relationship between all of us. When we allow others to be themselves (even if that means they are different from us) and not judge them, real happiness ensues.

I wish you a healthy and happy holiday season.

Stay joyful..


The Body Knows - Do You Listen?

Something came to me recently that made me rethink the things I do day to day and the reliance on my mind to do those things. For the past 7 years, I have been making raw goat’s milk kefir smoothies using various superfoods, etc. Until recently, this was my first food most days of the week.. usually around 1:00-2:00 pm. I so looked forward to my smoothie — creamy and delicious! I chose to use goat’s milk instead of cow’s milk since it closely resembles breastmilk in its makeup of vitamins and minerals. It’s also easier on the digestive system and it just felt right for me at the time.

About 2 weeks ago, I received notice that the Amish farmer I deal with is having difficulty with the production of goat’s milk. Ugh! My worse nightmare! This may sound silly but when you rely on something that you literally love most days and it’s no longer there, it can upset things. But.. okay - so I switched to cow’s milk for the last 2 weeks. I have to admit, cow’s milk is tastier and creamier but I know I won’t stay with it for too long because it’s much different than goat’s milk and, in my opinion, is not an option for me.

So, here I am with no option to get goat’s milk for awhile since my farmer still have production issues. But, I always believe the universe sends messages and we have to be receptive to receiving them. I feel the message I am getting is that I need to be flexible and change things up. I am a very disciplined person and pride myself on this quality.. being disciplined has it’s advantages — I make sure I exercise every day, even if it’s taking a walk in nature; I care about what I eat each day; I make sure I get good sleep and I deal with stress. But, I am also aware that there is a fine line between being disciplined and being rigid. Hmm… I realize I have a tendency to be rigid and I know that’s the mind doing its work. But, what about my body? What is my body telling me? Am I listening or am I using my mind to decide?

I am happy I cannot get goat’s milk for awhile as I realize that switching things up and being more flexible is good for my health. I am at that point in my life where I’m tuning in to find the answers. If I listen to my body, it always gives me the answers that serve me well. I don’t put myself in a mindset where I HAVE to do this or do that — a place where I put pressure on myself to do the things my mind says I need to do in order to be….. blah, blah, blah. I now do the things I feel I want to do in the moment. There are no “shoulds” anymore and it feels so liberating.

Will I make goat’s milk kefir again in the future? Sure! If that’s what I want, I’ll make it. I just won’t be a victim to it.

I realize the side effects of being too rigid and they’re not good for me. I also realize I set up these parameters a long, long time ago when I had to control my world. And, one thing I have learned as I have lived longer is that letting go of controlling things is a gift.. a chance to be present in the moment and feel joy.

I hope you’re gifting yourself with gentleness and kindness.


The Power of Choice


Standing in my kitchen this morning, enjoying the consistent routine of grinding coffee beans and pressing the grinds through water to make my cherished cup of coffee, I noticed the one thing that was not aligned with the joy I normally feel. It was the background noise of the TV, describing the VERY, VERY different and depressing time the human race is experiencing right now. I tried not to focus on what was being reported but realized that the words were still penetrating my being. My husband seemed oblivious to the noise as he was reading the morning paper - although I doubt he was. I made a decision! I walked over to the TV, turned it off and put on some music. My husband asked, “Why did you do that?” I replied that I made a choice to not listen to what did not serve me well and if he wanted to listen, then he could go into the other room where I wouldn’t have to hear it. He stayed with the music!!

I’m not sure what to make of everything that’s going on these days. Previously, I was listening to podcasts, watching videos, reading various articles, etc. I began to feel anxious and a little fearful about the future of things. I found myself staying close to the drama and realized that I had enough!! It was now time to focus on those things that make me feel good. After all, we do have the choice to control our actions and our thoughts.

We all have choices in life and depending on what choice you make, you can actually create the life you want to live. I choose to read books about heart-centered content or books on buddhism that feed my soul and put me into a different place. The music I listen to varies but always brings me to happy places — whether it’s going back to my teen years or bhakti music that awakens my soul and makes me want to dance and sing!!

So if you’re feeling anxious, I invite you to turn off the negative soundbites and start creating positive content for yourself. You will not only feel more relaxed and happier, but you will also find a few answers to what life’s all about. It’s only in those happy places within where the goodness resides. Be kind to YOU and find your happy place.


Healing through natural means....


Have you been sitting by your computer a lot lately? or, watching TV? or, scrolling through sites on your iphone? I know it’s hard to disconnect from our devices, especially when we’re home more. Being on our computers may be the only means of feeling connected. During these uncertain times, I’ve been realizing how important it is to get into nature…. to have time to go inward and scan my life somewhat. What do I desire right now? What do I see me doing 6 months from now? What is this point in time teaching me?

According to Dr. Zach Bush, toxins in our environment has led us to where we are today. He suggests that pollutants in the air and on the land are compromising our health and jeopardizing our future. He feels the virus is just an “innocent bystander” that takes the blame. As I listened to an interview with Zach on the Wise Traditions Podcast, I had an “aha” moment. It all made sense to me. Viruses and germs are always around us — our human DNA has always interacted with viruses. We don’t need to fear a virus. He goes on to say that the coronavirus is adapting to new chemical stressors in the environment at this time. The pathway for this virus to carry toxins into the bloodstream is not the virus’ fault — the virus is binding to air pollution and that is binding to other toxins, etc. He suggests that we don’t need to fear the virus but to realize we need to get into a cleaner environment — get into the mountains, take a hike, go to the ocean or anywhere there is nature.

This makes so much sense to me! It’s all connected. We have polluted our waters, poisoned many of our lands by the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, etc. We are feeding our animals food they aren’t meant to eat, keeping them confined and administering antibiotics in the hopes to keep them healthy. Without clean water, without animals on farms and without fertile soil, how can our food be healthy for us? How can we thrive when we’re not getting what Mother Nature intended for us? So, not only is our external environment more polluted, our internal environment is as well. Given the level of toxins in and around us, any virus can enter us through this medium.

This knowledge makes me realize that we all need to be more proactive. Instead of using antibacterial products constantly, let’s interact with the earth — plant some flowers.. some vegetables.. or just get your hands into the soil. We are part of nature and it is in our biology to connect to the earth. We need a healthy biome and wiping away germs is not going to give us that. Get out and take a walk in nature. I have always felt that Mother Nature gives us messages when we’ve messed up. In my opinion, she is shouting at us. As someone who is always positive and hopeful, we need to pay attention and take action to save our planet.

What will you do today?

Going Within During The Pause....


Contrary to some I’ve talked to, I am quite enjoying this time of my life. I know there are many devastating circumstances in the world right now and I am saddened when I hear about the deaths of people from all walks of life. It seems there are no boundaries where this virus is concerned. So, while I am aware of some of the pain and suffering, I want to focus on my thoughts and actions during this time.

While I have always been drawn to the relationship between the mind and body, this time has afforded me the opportunity to go even deeper into this exploration. I was cleaning out underneath my bed the other day (yes.. that’s an additional place where I store some of my books!) and started to reorganize the books I have been accumulating the past several years. Here’s a sampling of what I discovered..


As you can see, I am definitely attracted to self-help books! Since I haven’t read ALL of these books (and there are hundreds more), I decided to use this time to start reading one book at a time. This is exciting to me! In the back of my mind, I have been wishing I could make the time to start reading some of the books I’ve purchased over the years. So, now is that time..

Besides reading, I am working out in my home gym, mostly doing Pilates on my reformer as well as Yin Yoga every day. This is definitely not something I was doing regularly prior to this time. I have been listening to Dr. Joe Dispenza (he takes me to a place I have never before journeyed to), taking many epsom salt baths using lavender essential oil, using my diffuser that is filled with Thieves essential oil, working on a 500 piece puzzle, FaceTiming with my grandchildren and children every day, taking long walks and sitting in the sun with my husband and just having that relaxed feeling of not having to do or go anywhere.

My only hope is that there is a “learning” or an “awakening” in the human consciousness that is the result of this time in history. We have never before experienced this kind of shift in the life we knew to be normal. Is this our time to think about what is normal and what our purpose is in this life? I am taking this time to go inward and be silent.. be present.. tap into where my thoughts take me and use my breath to come back to a place of calm. It feels good to get to that place of wholeness.. of oneness.. of “it’s okay to be with myself” and surrender to whatever comes up. I’m feeling really good right now.

How are you using this time? I would love to hear your thoughts.


Musings During the Quarantine....


As I sit here sipping my turmeric lemon tea and writing this blog, I find myself forgetting that the world is in a state of flux, a state of uncertainty, a time where we’re wondering how and if things will get back to normal. I laugh at the term “normal”…. I’m not sure what that means and if things WERE actually normal…. people living day to day with some degree of acceptance that tomorrow and the days after would continue in a similar fashion as today. In reality, none of us are immune to what the universe has in store for us.

Maybe this is a wake up call. A calling to all of us to take a step back, press the “pause” button and reflect on those things we are grateful for. I am certainly not minimizing the devastation this virus has caused and do look forward to an end to this quarantine. I also know that it’s time for us to think about the future we want. I have been asking the same question for the past several years; that is, how much longer will our planet survive? Everywhere around me, I see an overload…. an overload of houses, stores, food, waste, cars and the list goes on and on. It appears we are gluttonous, always looking for more without thinking about the consequences. For the sake of money, we pollute many of our waters, treat our soil with pesticides and herbicides that have robbed it of the rich minerals it needs to keep our plants and trees healthy, spray our crops with toxins that have endangered not only the monarch butterflies but cause humans to be chronically ill. When will it stop? How much more damage will we cause to one another as well as our planet?

I would like to think that maybe, just maybe, we will use this time to think about what we can do to undo some of the damage. We’re all in this together. We are all here to make sure we take care of our planet so that our children and future generations can feel some kind of nurturing from mother earth — the nurturing she’s capable of when she’s not putting out so many fires. We are part of the universe — this amazing interconnectedness. We are all one. We cannot forget that. We must do our part in spreading gratitude for what mother nature has given us and make sure we do not take advantage of all the great gifts she provides.

May we all use this “pause” wisely….


Choose Happiness Over Fear


While the media is constantly talking about the Corona virus and tensions are mounting, I like to focus on those things that make me happy. I was teaching a class this morning and many people are feeling insecure and fearful, praying they don’t fall prey to this horrific virus! While I am no doctor and am not privy to any information that you do not possess, I do not choose to live in fear. When we are fearful of something, our bodies are in a constant state of “fight or flight.” When we are in this state, our cortisol hormone is in the driver’s seat and signals to our body that we’re being attacked. That used to work when we lived during the days when sabre-toothed tigers roamed the earth and humans ran for their lives. But, today, it’s highly unlikely. Even though there are no ‘tigers’ out there, our bodies do not know the difference between ‘running from a tiger’ or ‘stressing over a virus.’ Stress is stress - and cortisol is the hormone that is being produced, letting your body know that you’re in danger. Your adrenal glands make cortisol. Constant cortisol production is not a good thing for the body.

According to Webmd, if you are under constant stress, it can derail your body’s most important functions. It can also lead to a number of health problems, including:

Okay.. so back to the Corona virus - since the gut and brain are connected (yes, your gut is your second brain!), many of our thoughts affect our gut health and, subsequently, our gut health affects our brain. Therefore, happy feelings, happy gut! Sounds simple, right? Hmm.. no, it’s only as simple as you decide it is. You can decide to stay fearful and therefore possibly cause your immune system (which lives in your gut) to weaken or you can decide to shift your thoughts to positive ones and create a healthy immune system. After all, it’s the immune system that’s going to keep you healthy.

Many things in life that seem insurmountable are only so because we tell ourselves they are. What if we tell ourselves that we are going to be okay.. that the universe is going to take care of us.. that we have everything we need.. that if we need anything else, let that present itself. And, then, we let go! Let go of the clutching to fear, anxiety and insecurity and open our hearts to good health, love and light — our birthright! Don’t stay small and contracted in fear of the unknown. Open up to shifting your thoughts to positive ones and let in all the good that is around you. Focus on positivity — not negativity. When we’re healthy, a virus will run its course and leave. We have lived through viruses throughout history and, yes, while some people have not done well, there is usually a fairly serious underlying condition.

As an Integrative Health Coach, I usually talk about food.. Yep! - those of you who know me well know that eating a healthy array of foods is my forte. But, today, I am talking about being nourished in a totally different context — thoughts, relationships, love, career, exercise. Are you making your good “endorphins?” — your happy hormones? This is what we all need to do at this point in time. So, rather than worry, set your intentions to thinking happy thoughts and moving your body. Talk to a good friend, tell your partner how much you appreciate him or her, get good sleep, drink pure water, help others in need AND keep your thoughts positive!!

I hope I have given you ‘healthy, organic food-for-thought” on this subject.

To good health and happiness,


What's Real About Fake Meat?


Wow.. they look real! They actually look appetizing! Yes.. that’s what they’re supposed to do. They are supposed to smell, taste and look like meat. But, what are they actually? Why do we call them plant-based meat? They aren’t meat at all. Actually, they’re not plants either. So, what are they? I think we need to start with the ingredient label. The last I checked, I couldn’t identify one ingredient I would have in my cabinet! So, I did a little digging and here are some of things I found out….

I am going to discuss the two brands I know of that are on the market — Impossible Foods and Beyond Burger.  Despite being made exclusively from plants, both these burgers pack added sugar, salt, and other processed ingredients like protein isolates. Therefore, they contain fewer vitamins, minerals, and beneficial plant compounds than burgers made from whole foods. The companies who make these products use bio-technology or synthetic biology, meaning they manipulate the manufacturing of them.

Many people are concerned with the genetic modification of our food supply; namely, corn, soy, sugar cane, etc. With this new bio-technology or synthetic biology comes the genetic modification of microorganisms. These could be yeast, mold or bacteria. They are modifying them with a gene from a plant, a gene from an animal or something else allowing these microorganisms to produce our food additives such as citric acid, xantham gum and others. More of our additives are now being produced as a result of this bio-technology. Where citric acid used to come from the citrus fruit, it is now coming from a genetically modified mold.

In the fake meat movement, they are producing something called soy leghemoglobin. There is a nodule on the root of the soy plant that has a heme (iron) group in it. They take the gene out of the plant that produces this nodule with the heme iron and plant it into bacteria. Now bacteria produces this soy leghemoglobin — now they do not have to use the root of the soybean plant. Soy leghemoglobin has the ability to cause the fake meat to bleed and helps with flavor. Flavor enhancers and modulators are then added to achieve various tastes and smells to the meat — bison, chicken, turkey, etc. The two forms of dietary iron are heme iron and non-heme iron. Heme iron comes from animal proteins. Non-heme iron is found is plant-based foods. Heme iron is readily absorbed by the body and non-heme iron needs to be converted in order to be absorbed. So, how do we know if we are absorbing iron from these fake meats and/or if our bodies are converting this non-heme iron into iron the body needs.

According to Dr. Mercola, Impossible Burger’s scientists fed the leghemoglobin to rats for 28 days to determine the risk of allergic reaction or toxicity. Dana Perls, from Friends of the Earth, pointed out that the rats exhibited alterations in blood chemistry, which the company did not follow up on.

Unfortunately, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration only requires research by the manufacturer to determine food safety and has not conducted any independent tests.

I am not advocating eating meat as an alternative to “fake meat.” I think eating real whole foods is a much safer option. Vegan/vegetarian sources of protein like beans, tempeh, etc., are a better answer to a meatless diet than eating “fake meat.”

While called a plant-based meat alternative, Beyond Burgers and Impossible Burgers are an ultraprocessed conglomeration of chemicals, concocted by pulling protein from soy and a few other processed concentrates.

To good health,


Corona Virus - What Should We Do?


Hmm.. what’s to make of all the information in the media about the Corona Virus. Are you worried? scared? ambivalent? I know I usually don’t listen fully to what the media says, but everywhere I turn lately, someone is discussing this virus. While I don’t choose to live in fear, there is a little part of me that wonders if this is THE ONE that’s a real threat. Wait!.. I remember feeling the same way a year ago regarding the Ebola virus, and in previous years with SARS, West Nile, etc., etc. While it seems each year there is a new threat to our health, there are things we can do to help prevent ourselves from getting sick. First on my list is to stay away from all the media hype. While I do not underestimate the voraciousness of this virus on the people whose immune systems are compromised, I feel that listening to the media day in and day out is downright unhealthy.

Anxiety and fear definitely affect the health of our immune system. Our immune system is our best bet to staving off a virus. Stress is one of the responses to all the talk of the Corona virus. While you may not feel stressed, just being exposed to the number of times it’s mentioned in the media or plastered on the cover of magazines, etc. is enough to keep you in a state of perceived panic. Staying healthy is important to preventing an illness. Creating a healthy environment is key. Here are some things that I recommend to help achieve good health….

  • Spend time with the people you love

  • Eat fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, pastured meats, nuts, seeds, clean water, green tea

  • Exercise to release those endorphins or “feel good” hormones

  • Take an epsom salts bath with lavender essential oil

  • Read a good book

  • Get enough sleep (7-8 hours)

  • Think positive thoughts

Here’s my “flu shot” recipe. I buy the herbs from Mountain Rose Herbs, a wonderful company to deal with. You can make this recipe using just elderberries, cinnamon stick, raw honey and ginger and leave out the other herbs. It’ll still do the trick!!



3 cups cold water

¾ cup organic elderberries

¼ cup organic schisandra berries

¼ cup organic eleuthero root

¼ cup organic echinacea root

organic cinnamon stick

¾ to 1 cup raw local honey

1 tsp fresh grated ginger root (optional)


Combine herbs with cold water in a pot and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and allow herbs to simmer for 30 to 40 minutes. Remove from heat and mash the berries in the liquid mixture. Strain the herbs through cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. Measure the liquid and add an equal amount of honey. Gently heat the honey and juice for a few minutes until well combined. Do not boil!  Bottle in sterilized glass. Label and keep refrigerated for up to 6 months.

In good health,


What Does Your Future Look Like?


Do you find yourself thinking about all the things you want to do and if and when you’ll do them? I certainly do. Maybe it’s because I’m at the age where I want to deepen my experiences in life. I want to fully live my life. But that’s not saying that we should be thinking ahead too much. Staying present is important and keeps us from missing those things that are happening right now that will be gone forever if we’re not fully aware — but, it’s never too late to act upon our feelings and live our lives the way we want to — making sure that we leave this realm feeling grateful and satisfied for the choices we made.

Writing my bucket list is the first step toward making change. I can look at each topic and picture how that would look for me. What do I need to do to live mindfully? While I can think about this, I know I need to meditate each day to stop the internal chatter somewhat and become more aware of the way I interact with the world. Speaking my truth has always been a challenge for me. Yup! — I was the ultimate people pleaser! And, while I still like to make people happy, I am much more aware of MY needs and am learning the power of saying, “No.” It’s an ongoing work in progress, but I am certainly building that muscle.

Making changes, however small, can be challenging. For me, I need to write them down and then make sure I look at them! Then I see these things happening in my life. If it’s a self-care excursion, I see the place I want to spend time in and imagine myself there. To meet a shaman, I see myself traveling to Peru and spending time in nature and being very vulnerable — but excited and ready to experience something quite different from the way I have been living my life. A few years ago, I wanted a certain Pilates reformer that was fairly expensive. My old self would have said, “There’s no way you’ll ever have that,” “It’s way too costly.” The me today pictured myself buying it, putting it in a specific room in my house, saw myself working out on it, etc. Today, that Pilates reformer is in my fitness room (what used to be a dining room!). So, I’ve learned that whatever it is you desire, start imagining that you already have it. Where your thoughts go, energy flows. I guess it’s similar to the “law of attraction.”

Being in a secure and safe place has always been important to me. The fears I’ve lived with prevented me from exploring some of my wildest dreams. And, that was okay.. it was what worked for me. At this point in my life, staying safe is not as important as it once was. Going outside my comfort zone feels like something I not only want to do but need to do in order to fully live the life I desire.

So whether it’s taking your love life to a whole new level, traveling to an exotic place you feel driven to go, learning a new craft, following your desire to do something you never thought you would do…. I say, begin to bring these things into your life. Don’t wait until it’s too late to take action — do the things you really want to do NOW. Now is all we have.

To a wonderful journey….


Indulgences After 60....


While there are many indulgences in life that do not require spending money, there are times when it feels good to treat yourself to something where there is an exchange of money. After all, it’s all about energy…. the energy of giving money to pay for something that you desire.. something that makes you feel happy. The giving and receiving of money is an important aspect of living a life of abundance.

When I began my Health Coaching practice, I felt extremely uncomfortable asking for money from clients. When clients would hand me money, I did not like taking it. When I started learning about money as an energetic exchange of giving and receiving, I became much more comfortable around it. After all, if you want something, you must invest in getting it. I realized that my clients were investing in their health…. investing in the knowledge that they would feel better and be able to function in a healthier way when they made the commitment to put their money into their health. I was providing a very profound service and that service depended on a financial investment on the part of the client. With the money I received, I was then able to help more people who could not afford my services, thereby creating more health throughout the world.

I was raised in an environment where money was scarce and there was a great deal of insecurity and stress around it. My parents did the best they could do with buying us the necessities, but when it came to indulging us with the non-essentials, they made the decision to keep that at a minimum. To be honest, I never felt deprived or that I didn’t have ‘enough.’ I guess they managed to get me most everything I wanted. What they also managed to do was set me up for living a life of ‘scarcity’ going forward.

Like my parents, I found myself stressed around money — how would I pay the bills, how would I get my credit card debt down, how would I be able to get our girls all the things they desired, etc. I remember the verbal fights with my girls about clothes when they were teenagers. That’s the time when designer jeans were big and, consequently, expensive. Of course, they wanted these jeans and I felt I couldn’t afford them. Granted.. there needs to be boundaries set for sure. But, I couldn’t even get to the boundaries part because I was too stressed about my finances. What I didn’t realize at the time was that I was living in ‘scarcity’ and not ‘abundance.’ These are deep seated ways of living that we pick up from a young age. Until I was old enough and knowledgeable enough to realize how I was living my life was I able to create the life I wanted to live. Subtle shifts in the way I thought made all the difference in the world. Feelings of abundance would have relieved some of the stress. I liken this to our physical structure. When we are contracted, we are stressing our bodies. When we expand and release the tightness in our bodies, we open up and feel calmer. When we’re calmer, we make better decisions and life seems to flow more effortlessly.

So, as the title suggests, I now totally “indulge” myself with anything I desire. Do I go and buy things without much thought? No! If I desire something, I imagine having it and all the feelings that go along with that. I see it in my mind, I am emotionally interacting with it, and I ultimately know I will purchase it in due time. Then I set goals to bring what I desire into my life. It works every time!! I guess it’s somewhat like the ‘law of attraction.’ Where thoughts go, prana flows.

As I’m nearing the end of my 60’s, I feel incredible. I feel there are many, many things I want and want to do in my life. I have big dreams and I know the ones that are most important to me will come to fruition. I know it as I know my own name. Some people might think this is ‘woo-woo’ but, until you make a shift in your mind, you will continue with the same patterns you started out with. Realization and creating a new way of thinking is powerful. I dare you to try it!



The Healing Power of Nature


Do you feel distracted most days? Do you wonder when you’ll have time to totally relax and turn inward? How often to you get to spend time in nature? I realize that being in nature really slows me down.. gets me to go inward and sort things out.. makes me tune into the natural music of the universe and gives me an overall feeling of happiness.

Think about it.. nature is like a perfect symphony. Each element plays its own unique part in making everything work in synchronicity. There are no mistakes in nature. I grew up spending lots of time upstate New York on my family’s farm. That’s where I learned that everything is connected…. the sun, the bugs, the plants, the animals, the rain, etc. Every single piece of the puzzle makes up the whole. When one thing is missing, the puzzle is not complete. Fast forward to today — when farms are no longer working farms like they were back in the day. Today, farms grow genetically modified corn and soybeans and spray them with toxic chemicals that hurt the environment and wreak havoc on our health. There are no longer animals on the commercial farms that feed us. How can a farm be called a farm without animals? There’s no such thing! You cannot mess around with the natural order of things without consequences…. deteriorating health, sick animals that live in confined environments and eat other than their natural food, harm to the planet due to pesticides, herbicides, the carbon footprint, environmental toxins, etc.

I miss those days on the farm and I fear that our manipulation with “Mother Nature” will eventually come to haunt us. It saddens me to know that I will never see a monarch butterfly on my property. They just aren’t around here anymore. This is just one of the many changes that have taken place over the years.

So, what are we to do? Do anything and everything you can to preserve this planet — recycle, buy organic, support your local farmers, don’t buy toxic products and definitely “vote with your fork.” Get educated and get involved where you can. Any little thing you do will help create the ripple effect…. one change at a time.

So, now, get out into nature since she knows how to heal us. She has all the answers if we just take the time to listen. Go inward more and connect on a deeper level to the music all around you. It’s there for you to enjoy.. I wish you a happy summer.

xo, C

Cold Thermogenesis for Weight Loss?

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As you know, I am always interested in the latest health information and do my research to make sure it’s something I think is beneficial and also something I can educate my clients about.

My journey into sustaining a healthy body and mind over a decade now has brought me to an awareness of a few bio-hacking techniques that have “upped” my game and has added to an overall feeling of doing great things for my body. One of these techniques is called cold thermogenesis. I have been practicing it throughout this past winter. Cold thermogenesis is heat production stimulated by exposure to cold temperatures. It is a unique kind of fat that can generate heat by burning the regular white fat (adipose tissue) found on your stomach, hips, legs and buttocks. This has mitochondrial effects in cranking out more ATP. The main function of mitochondria is to produce energy for the cell. Cells use a special molecule for energy called ATP. The ATP for the cell is made within the mitochondria. Think of the mitochondria as the power plant of the cell. The mitochondria produce energy through cellular respiration.. breathing!

My initial attempt at cold thermogenesis was putting my face into a bowl of ice water. Ooh, it was not easy but I stayed with it.. doing it every few days. I also took hot/cold showers (which I do every time I take a shower these days). After I wash up, I take a deep breath, turn the faucet to cold and do some deep breathing for about 20 seconds before I turn the faucet back to hot. I keep it hot for 10 seconds and then back to cold for another 20 seconds. I alternate between hot and cold for 10 seconds hot/20 seconds cold for about 5 minutes and I’m done. I cannot tell you how invigorating it is and how much easier it has become for me to do this. It’s definitely worth a try!

I also started layering less this past winter when taking my dog for a walk. I did wear a hat and gloves but would wear a tank under my coat and even take my coat off if the sun was out and stand in the sunlight for about 5 minutes (which is a long time when the temps are below 20 degrees!). Sometimes I would take my shoes off and stand in the grass staring at the sun.

As I continue on my health journey, I will blog about various craziness I incorporate into my life. Actually, for me I love learning about the health benefits of different modalities and am always game at trying them out.

So, this is just another tool you might want to add to your routine that may help not only with more energy, healthier mitrochondria but also may just help you shed a few pounds. I say, “try it out.”

Stay curious,,


My Struggle.. or, better yet, my Challenge


I don’t like to use the word “struggle” as I feel it has a negative connotation. Challenge feels more positive and I always like to keep things on a positive note. That’s not to say I don’t feel the turmoil in my body from time to time, but when I remind myself that this is MY challenge and something I will learn from, it somehow feels very different.

I embarked on my journey as a Pilates instructor about 10 years ago, not really sure at the time where it would take me. I knew I really enjoyed doing Pilates and felt so good afterward but didn’t put much thought into my future regarding Pilates. I started out thinking I would just do it for me — to strengthen and lengthen my body and to gain a more flexible spine that would be a good thing for me as I age. Little did I know, I would be teaching Pilates in a group setting, take weekly private lessons, give privates and absolutely love doing it on a daily basis. Sometimes I have trouble falling asleep because I’m doing the movements in my head over and over!!

Pilates has taught me that “slowing down” and connecting my mind with my body is the ultimate challenge. There are so many things to remember when performing one exercise that one can literally forget to engage the most important muscle. Being present is crucial. That’s one of the reasons I love to have a Pilates practice daily. All I need to think about is what I’m doing at the moment — and trying to do the best I can do.

I used to think it was a struggle to do the exercises perfectly and I would have such unrealistic expectations. I remember the frustration from time to time because I just couldn’t master something. I have grown to understand and appreciate the challenge of concentrating and focusing to the point where I know my body is doing exactly what I’m telling it to do. I am also aware that classical Pilates is a “method” and that the method must be honored and practiced and refined — that when we think we have mastered it, we are only at a different place on the journey. I know I will never master it as my body is constantly changing and with that comes more refining and more challenges. For me, that’s the beauty of Pilates. The never-ending exercise method that keeps me challenged each and every day.

What is your form of exercise?

xo, C

What Moves You?


They say we get wiser as we age.. I do believe this to be true only if we take in the world around us, digest it, absorb it and apply it to our lives.

I grew up knowing the benefits of exercise. My dad, an organic farmer by passion, was my role model in terms of fitness. He would walk 5 - 10 miles every day.. and, this was before walking was even popular. Nobody walked back then! He would challenge me to accompany him on his walks.. which, for the most part, I had no interest in. Then one day when he walked 10 miles and told me he felt great afterward, I asked him if I could walk with him when he decided to do 10 miles again. It was 2 days later and he said he was ready. That, in and of itself, impressed me! Two days later? Really? He was about 45 years old and was ready to walk 10 miles after just a 2 day rest? I was 15 and was begrudging it. I decided to take the challenge.

First off, it was a great time to connect with my dad. We talked about so many things on that walk and laughed about many of them. When I would complain that I needed a rest, he would say, “Just breathe and keep walking, although you could slow down the pace.” We stopped after 5 miles, took a little breather, and then walked the last 5 back home. Wow! I felt SO good afterward that I kept talking about it for days. I realized I accomplished something I thought I couldn’t do, connected with my dad, felt more confident and began to think about what exercise program I could incorporate into my life (besides gym class at school).

Fast forward to my mid-20’s, 30’s, 40’s and part way through my 50’s.. I ran! Yes, running became my form of exercise. I entered into marathons (no — not the New York Marathon, although I contemplated it), ran about 5-7 miles every day and did some cardio as well on most of those days. I was definitely fit but had a gnawing lower back pain most of the time.

In my early-50’s, something shifted. I became interested in nutrition, changed my food selections, ate mostly organic, explored different super foods, and began to change my form of exercise. I started researching how stress (even in the form of exercise) can cause various physical and emotional symptoms and I also began taking a look at how I felt before and after exercise. It was the first time I made the connection between dreading something but doing it anyway because I thought the benefits would win out. Boy was I not listening to my body.

I always tell my clients that our bodies know. We just don’t listen all the time. That “gut feeling” or “intuition” is usually our bodies way of telling us that something is out of balance and we need to address it. Many times we ignore that voice and continue doing what we do until we get physically sick.

I now view exercise as something pleasurable that I plan into my day. Pilates is my form of exercise as well as 12 minutes of a high intensity interval workout on an elliptical machine. I do some form of Pilates every day — an ab series, some footwork on a reformer and some spinal articulation such as shoulder bridge, rolling like a ball or open leg rocker. Planks are always a daily part of my routine as they are an all-body exercise.. I love that! For my high intensity interval training, I get on the elliptical and set the timer for 12 minutes. I start on a level 2 and pedal for 1 minute, change it to level 10 and pedal vigorously for 1 minute, change it back to level 2 for two minutes, back to level 10 for 1 vigorous minute and back to level 2 for two minutes, back to level 10 for 1 vigorous minute and back to level 2 for two minutes. I keep pedaling at a level 2 until I have burned up 100 calories and then I get off — I am usually getting off at the cool down with is about 13-14 minutes in. Voila!!!! Done! The important thing to remember is to breathe in and out of your nose the entire time — no breathing into the mouth!! That’s important. You shouldn’t be panting. If you are, change the level and intensity.

Find an exercise routine that works for you. Exercise is stressful on the body so keep check on not overdoing it. Do something you look forward to doing. Stretching is wonderful first thing in the morning and a brisk walk can do wonders.

Our bodies are meant to move.. we should be moving into older age with ease and grace.. not physical decline due to years of pushing the envelope too far. Mindful exercise is key to optimal health. Think about what you like in the form of exercise and incorporate it into your daily routine. Challenge yourself but don’t overly stress your body — it’s just not sustainable.

What’s your exercise routine these days?



Who Says It's No Fun Getting Older?....


I used to tell people (way before the movie Benjamin Button) that it would have been much better to come into this world at the age of 100 and work backwards.  But, I now realize I really like being older and am not frightened about the future.  

I hear many people say, "It sucks getting older."  But I experience it differently.  I like the fact that things that used to irk me years ago no longer affect me.  I guess you can say it's the time of life when you realize you can just relax into your being.  You can actually take the time to slow down (purposefully) to savor each moment of each day.  It's a time when comments or looks from others don't penetrate you the way they did when you were possibly more vulnerable at a younger age.  

I use the phrase, "Fitting Out" quite a bit.  I like to be different now.. I like to stand out.. I enjoy feeling comfortable in my own skin - aged as it is.  This doesn't mean that I don't take care of my skin, figure, mind, etc.  I treat my body with respect and feed it healthy, nourishing foods that work the different systems in my body.. For instance, I eat organic foods so I am not ingesting GMO's and herbicides/pesticides which potentially could cause health issues.  I eat lots of greens, drink pure water, add in fermented foods each day to colonize my good bacteria (after all, we are more bacteria than we are human cells), take a good Vitamin C each day, K2 and Spirulina.  Spirulina is a blue-green algae and was the first food on the planet!!  I do my best to keep myself looking as good as I can as I age.  I also make sure to put pure ingredients on my skin.. after all, everything gets absorbed into the bloodstream. We don’t want toxins penetrating our skin and finding areas in our body to hide out in, potentially causing havoc somewhere down the road.

The one thing I don't do is say, "Well, at my age......"  Why focus on age?  We're all getting older and many of us are getting better with age.  Remember, anything you focus on expands.  So, if you focus on the fact that you're OLD and feeling OLD and looking OLD, then that's going to transpire.  

I, by no means, am undermining those people who do have complications due to the aging process.  And, I know it's hard to embrace this time with a positive attitude when your health is not good.  I think getting involved in a project, joining a social group, connecting with family, etc. can make a huge difference.  We're all going to age.... that is inevitable.  But, can we change our attitude, give out those positive vibes, laugh more, help our neighbors, friends, family, etc. and leave behind an amazing legacy?

I say we can!

xo, C


How attached are you to your story?


I happen to like Brene Brown and all that she stands for.  She says so many things that make me think, "Yeah, wow.. she's right!!" 

Do you have a story?  Do you find yourself saying the same things to yourself or to people in your life each day?  Do you have excuses for why you can't do something or why you can't seem to get out from under?  If so, join the crowd.  Many of us have our stories -- and, those stories have been told to us over and over throughout the years.  We may have repeated the same story since we were 15 years old!  You may have even caught yourself saying, "I sound like my mother (or whoever)."  Yes.. you may have adopted her story.

When I read the quote (above), I thought it didn't reflect what I wanted to talk about.. but, I realize it is exactly what I want to share with you.  Brene uses the phrase, "Through the Process of Owning.."  To me, she's saying that we need to "hear" what we're repeating to ourselves and to others.  We need to be "present" to the same thoughts and feelings that come up time and time again.  We need to "own" them in order to change them.  There's another saying I like and that is, "When we deny our stories, they define us; when we own our stories, we get to write the ending."  

How many times have you used the same excuse?  You may not even know why you consistently do this, but it has become part of the story you tell yourself.  We all have our story.. a story that many times does not serve us well.  Sometimes we're so tired of our story, but we never think about rewriting it -- or changing part of it.  I guess you can say we're creatures of habit.  Our stories are our habits!

We even believe our story!!  Yes, we do define ourselves by our story!  If it didn't define us, why would we hold onto it so tightly.  Is it that change is difficult?  That changing our story changes us in some way?  That rewriting the ending feels uncomfortable?  Whatever the reason, I feel that opening up to a different mindset and revising our story is the opportunity for personal growth.  We are the masters of our lives and only we can decide to change the outcome.  How cool is that?  How amazing is the prospect for growth and new opportunities?  Only through change can we realize our full potential.. staying stagnant and holding onto our stories, our excuses, our limited mindset only keeps us in a "stagnant" place.  Take this opportunity to look inside and see what your story is... if you don't like it, rewrite it.  See if you begin to realize different outcomes.  

I'd love to know if you've considered changing your story?  I'm still working on mine - :)

To a healthy and happy life,

xo, C


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There are many ways of giving.. you might smile at a stranger when you're at the grocery store or hold a door open for someone following you into a building.  Just these simple gestures can really brighten up a person's day.  We're all bombarded with thoughts coming and going throughout the day and don't often slow down to make eye contact with another person -- let alone hold a door open for them.  

Have you ever been on the checkout line at the store and the cashier doesn't even look at you?  I know it's happened to me plenty of times.  What about if saying hello to them and asking about their day is something you do the next time it happens.  I always feel that only WE can make changes.. we cannot expect someone to do what we do or act the way we act.  BUT, we can act and do what we do and not expect anything back.  All change begins with making shifts in the way we interact with the world.. small as they may be.  

As a health coach, I have worked with clients who give TOO MUCH.  So, if giving is a good thing, how can it be possible to give too much?  It depends on why you give so much of yourself.  Are you giving to receive?  Are you giving to be accepted?  Are you giving to be loved?  Are you giving because you're afraid of saying "no."  When giving is attached to an outcome, it can be a bad thing -- and, by that, I mean your health can suffer when you don't give to yourself.  So, set boundaries.. when someone is requesting something of you that you do not want to agree to, say NO.  It is empowering to say "no" when you're following your heart.  You do not want to give for the wrong reasons.  You want to give from your heart.

Self-care is an essential component of being healthy.  Just think about a garden.  If you planted seeds and you didn't fertilize or water the seeds, nothing would grow.  Well, the same with your body.  What does your internal garden look like?  Are you tending to it? nurturing it? knowing when it needs attention?  How can you possibly give to another when you have nothing to give?  When your energy is depleted?  

Here are a few of my tips for taking care of YOU....

  • Spend time in nature - listen, smell, see
  • Meditate - make time to go inward, even for 3 minutes each day
  • Exercise - Endorphins are your happy hormones
  • Take a bath - fill the tub with your favorite essential oil and some Epsom Salts
  • Make a list of all the great qualities you possess
  • Be grateful for all that you are and all that you have
  • Feed your body good food
  • Get a good night's sleep (try for 7-8 hours) and keep your cell phone in another room

I hope I have inspired you to look inside yourself and know that you are deserving of everything good.  Find your "light" and feel its warmth in your body.  Then shine it outwards so others can feel it.  It's all about loving ourselves and then spreading that love to others.... one small gesture at a time.

xo, Charlotte







I have always been curious, but never gave it much thought until recently.  As an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, I am doing research on various health topics, reading abstracts, scrolling through testimonials from people I follow in the health world, reading articles on cures for cancer, reversing Type 2 diabetes, autoimmune diseases, etc.  As I came across what I thought might be a wonderful addition to my lifestyle -- a specific brand of hydrolyzed collagen -- I immediately felt the urge to order it.  That's not a bad thing by any means except that I just bought a big jar of hydrolyzed collagen a week ago.  Hmm.... but, this new brand seems to be the one I should be taking.  Or is it?  I emailed the gentleman selling it and it seems you should buy 2 jars (at $50/jar) since the effects won't be noticeable until 60 days.  Okay.. well, I thought about it and decided to finish the jar I have first and then give it some thought.  

I am always curious as to what effect various foods or supplements will have on me.  Because of my curiosity, I have tried many different super foods, vitamins, health-related fitness items, etc. and realize that maybe my curiosity is getting the better of me.  And, it can get a little pricey!  Are you the curious type?  Do you find you're susceptible to ordering something new because someone said it was incredible?  It's like watching those infomercials and thinking that you definitely need what they're selling.  

I have come to realize that my curiosity is a good thing.  I am not willy-nilly when it comes to ordering health-related products.  I do my research and I know the things I want to add to my daily regimen.  I like the fact that I'm curious.  I like the fact that I have built up a nice little array of healthy foods that make me feel I'm doing good things for my body.  I'm not saying I'm in favor of taking a lot of supplements -- I actually am of the belief that eating a varied "whole foods" organic diet will provide you with all that you need.  Possibly a good Vitamin C, D3 and some spirulina (blue-green algae) might be the only supplements needed.  

So, I find that I like to experiment with new things when it comes to health.  If I hear about a great collagen that is super absorbable and people write amazing testimonials about it, I will most likely buy it.  The same goes for a portable infrared sauna or a course on The Power of Shamanic Journeying. Why not?  Curiosity can be your friend.  I always want to remain curious!  It's exciting, fun and many times rewarding.  What about you?

In good health,

xo, Charlotte